Kirtan Class

Kirtan is the singing of Gurbani

Kirtan is the singing of Gurbani. Gurbani is the message of the Guru, given to us in the form of the word. As Sikhs we are taught by our Guru that Gurbani is revelation as it comes straight from Vaheguru Ji (the one creator). So it is an ultimate way of connecting to the one and it is not just the singing of hymns.

Before the Coronavirus pandemic, regular Kirtan classes were taught at Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara Sahib Erith & Belvedere by the Granthis (priests). However, the pandemic left a void. There was a disconnection from students, teachers and organisers.

Classes were never re- started. So our Sevadars that are blessed with the skill of singing Kirtan and playing Sikh instruments took up the seva. 

Kirtan Classes

In 2022 we started new Kirtan classes for adults and children, teaching them to play Vaaja, Tabla and sing Gurbani, free of charge. As they progress, the students are given the chance to partake in local Kirtan Smaagams.

With the blessings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, an ever growing Kirtan Class now takes place every week at Erith Gurdwara Sahib.

The timings and location for Kirtan Classes are as follows:

  • Every Monday

  • 6:30pm to 7:30pm

  • Guru Nanak Darbar Erith & Belvedere Gurdwara Sahib
    Lower Road, Kent, DA17 6AA

If you would like more information please click the button below